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May 01, 2008


Heather Thorp

Wow wow wow! This amazing, thanks for sharing! What brand are you using? I think in the uk it is hard to get plain white paper towels - mine always come with a perforated pattern. Could I use serviettes/paper napkins instead?


*smacks self in head*
All these years I have thought my paper towels looked cool, but then that voice in my head that is sane gets the better of me "why the heck would you hold on to dirty paper towels?" You know the voice ... the one that we need to silence as often as possible!

Gwen Delmore

great tutorial! I have some paper towels I have saved, but they are only partially covered with paint, now I know how to finish them off, and use them, too!

Great job!


Yesterday I tried out your first tutorial - and while cleaning the plastic sheet I used as work surface I thought: how great do those towels look!
And I saved them ;-)

But with this tutorial I get much better ideas of how to treat them further and what to do with them.

Thank you very much!


What a great technique! I've often wondered what I could do with my paper towels, but they were usually too wrinkled to be anything more than packing material and I've never thought to iron them.

Deryn Mentock

This is a great tutorial and the works that came from it...wonderful! Love the cherry book and the collages.


these pillows are soooo cute. They inspire my. I have always wanted to work with paints. I might try it soon. sew~amy


This is soooo cool. I had paper towels on my shopping list and so I made sure that i bought white... I also made sure they had a cool design on them.
What a cool activity to do with my daughter.
thanks julie


This is a great tutorial!! You might also want to try this with coffee filters as well. (They have no perforated pattern.) My grandson came home from pre-school with a really cool coffee-filter-butterfly. You can dip the edges in watered-down paint... You can pinch the center, fold the edges all together, then dip the edges in one color, the center in another, even the 'middle' in yet another (hope that makes sense) for a tie-dye effect. Even more fun and unpredictable is to use washable markers to decorate randomly (or not) then mist lightly with water so that the colors run....Or instead of the markers, just drip and splatter the watered-down paint onto them. So much fun! (To make a butterfly, just pinch in the center, letting the two edges fan out and twist a pipecleaner around the center, leaving some attenae at the top.


this is a genius idea. i am going to try it on fabric and see if it washes out. if not, i'm going to make a jacket out of this! yayyyy!!!!


this is a genius idea. i am going to try it on fabric and see if it washes out. if not, i'm going to make a jacket out of this! yayyyy!!!!


UAU!! I' m going to try it! It's stunning!


OMG!! To think of all the paper towels I've thrown away......this is an AWESOME tutorial! Thanks so much ~ :)

crafty joan

thanx for a greyt tutorial, love the paper and fabric quilt ideas.
I have been doing the same thing with baby wipes when cleaning my rubber stamps, after a while I have a wonderful coloured babywipe, I now have a greyt collection after so many years of doing so... I then use them for backgrounds mainly ATCs or I zap them with a heat gun, put some organza material on top and then free machine stitch over the top and sew them onto kunin or acrylic felt, then I will go around and add more embilishments such a beads, ribbon, etc

Once again thanx for sharing and love your blog and art work...it rocks
crafty joan in italy


this is fun stuff...thanks again for sharing. You are going on my blog list.

Sham wow

Good tutorial im going to try it :D



Thank you for this wonderful tutorial. I have used paper towels and tp on my canvases by directly gluing and smooshing them on the canvas and than wetting and painting but I haven't tried this. I love the idea of making them fabric.
Truly inspirational
Thank you!

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Oh, its great!

Chriss J

Thank you for the great tut and the inspiration to get those creative juices flowing. Love the great photos. I am just learning to free motion quilt and I love the idea of using paper towels. I love the price too.


I just found your blog and this tutorial. I use baby wipes and they work the same way. I use them to catch blobs of paint that end up somewhere other than what I am working on, clean my hands and brushes while working, or even use it to rub the paint all over a page or canvas. The end result is 'fabric' that I can then cut in strips or other shapes and use in my mixed media work. Love it!

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Thanks for the tutorial, it will help my son I very much.

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Hello, I just found your blog and this tutorial. I use viagra and it works almost the same way.


Hmm... that does indeed give me some ideas. I've got a TON of paper towels like this stored up from cleaning ink out of my screens after a run of prints. I think I'll try decoupaging them down onto paper with matte medium and then screenprinting a solid black scratchboard image over them. Thanks!


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