I am soooo excited about this one. Please do try it, especially you journal artists. It is a lot more fun than you'd think to manipulate images of yourself. Although I make stencils a lot, it had never occurred to me to do a self-portrait until I read Randi Feuerhelm-Watts' brilliant book, Wide Open. If you don't have her book, go get it today. So many inspiring ideas! Okay, let's get to it.
Materials you need:
- Clear photograph of yourself, preferably a self-portrait
- Photoshop, PE (Photoshop Elements), or other photo editing software.
- Exacto knife with new sharp blades (this is essential if you don't want to be cursing yourself through this project.)
- A self-healing mat is nice and makes cutting much easier (you don't have to have a huge one). I've also heard of using a piece of glass to cut on, but I'd cut my finger off for sure. Note: rotary cutting mats are not self-healing. They work okay, but not as nicely as the self-healing mats.
- Cardstock or other material for your template. Cardstock is easy, but a file folder, inkjet transparency (assuming you have an inkjet printer), thin plastic used to make stencils (you can find them with the stencils at craft stores), and really thin chipboard all work well, too. Plain copy paper will work but it won't last as long. You need something thick enough to hold cut details well, but thin enough to run through your printer. I suppose photo paper or smooth watercolor paper would work, too. Note: you can run just about anything that is flat, can be cut down to 8.5 x 11 or smaller, and isn't sticky through your printer, including fabric--trust me, I've tried it all and never had a problem.
- Dye ink pad and cosmetic sponge or acrylic paint with sponge brush.
- Plain paper to test on.
Making the Stencil
- The first thing you need to do is to select a good photograph. Not necessarily "good" as in flattering, but "good" as in the image makes a good stencil. Finding the perfect one takes some time. Be patient and have fun. You may have to digitally manipulate several photos before deciding which one would make the best stencil. You're looking for clear definition and not too many details.
- Once you find the right photograph, you need to simplify and turn it into b&w in Photoshop or PE. Although another program might work, I can only show you how on these. I'm sorry, but I have no pictures for this part. I can't find my original picture. Somehow I must have deleted it or something.)
- Scan or pull up the digital photo in Photoshop. Disclaimer: I am no expert here, I just know what has worked for me not necessarily the only/best way to do it. Everything I know, I've figured out myself.
- Apply the "Note Paper" filter to your photo: Filter/Sketch/Note Paper. Then reduce the Relief by sliding the slider bar to the left all the way to zero. Click Okay.
- Next, change your image to black & white and simplify it a bit: Image/Adjustments/Threshold. (For PE: Filter/Adjustments/Threshold.) This will turn your photo completely white. In the pop up box, slide the bar to the right until you begin to see your image reemerge. Move the slider back and forth until you get a clear image with as few details as possible while still being recognizable.
- Remember: Everything that is Black you will be cutting away. Don't worry about the background b/c we aren't interested in it. And you also don't need to include every detail (clothes, hair, etc.) when you actually cut your stencil.
- Once your image looks kinda like what could be a stencil, and you like it, click Okay.
- At this point, you can use the Eraser Tool to remove some of the background or any details that are distracting to you if you'd like. The simpler for cutting the better.
- Finally, Save your document immediately! And put your cardstock in the printer now.
- Decide approximately how large you want your stencil to be. Too small will be more difficult to cut but it doesn't have to be huge. What about 4x6? 6x8? or 8x10? Fill the whole page?
- Print your stencil: File/Print With Preview. Adjust Height and/or Width. Click Print then Okay.
Cutting the Stencil
- This is the easy and not so easy part. Before making any cuts, look over your image and tell yourself out loud (multiple times if necessary): Everything Black will be cut away. Cut away all of the Black parts only. (You will be cutting away the positive space, but if knowing that just confuses you, forget it now.)
- As you cut, go slow and pay attention to important details like eyes, nose, etc. You want to cut out the basic image not every single detail. It does not have to be perfect to make a great stencil. Go along the basic contour of the image as you cut.
- Once all the black is cut away, you'll need to try out your stencil. On some scrap paper, hold the stencil firmly in place (or use a very low tack--sticky--tape to keep it in place and sponge ink through the openings of the stencil. At this point, make sure all the corners, etc. are filled with ink so you get the most accurate impression. (Later, try out how few areas you need to stencil to get an interesting image.) If you need to make adjustments to the stencil, do it now and then make another print until you get an image you like.
- Ta-da! You did it. Is that not super cool or what?? Next you will want to hunt down photos of all your family members, and your dog, and maybe that cool sign or building you photographed last week....
- Try out all the cool things you can do with your stencils.
Of course, you can make any kind of stencil you want. You can use clipart designs, hand drawn images, or any object to make a stencil, but the purpose of this exercise is to use a picture of yourself. If you don't already use self-portraits in your artwork or journaling, do it, regardless of how you feel about the way you look. Purposefully try out unflattering pictures to show yourself it is okay not to be perfect. How can you be truly real in your journals if you aren't real, or just don't want to document, this?? For more encouragement, read Randi's book (link above). But the thing she wrote that stuck with me the most about self-portraits was this: Don't be afraid of what you see, that is what everyone else sees every day. So, what the heck? Just do it. Seeing pictures of yourself more often will get you used to it and maybe one day, you'll love what you see. (I'm preaching to myself here, too.)
I really hope you try this out, but as a gift of appreciation for all my time and effort (just joking) you have to send me a picture of your stencil or how you used your stenciled image. I would also appreciate feedback on the tutorial itself. Is it clear or confusing? Too much information or too little? Inaccurate? Otherwise helpful or unhelpful? And if you have any questions, just email me or leave it in the comments.
And check back, because I'm also putting together a tutorial on how I paint/stamp my papers, envelopes & file folders. See pictures here and here.
Thanks. This has been fun. ;-)
Excellent tutorial! Thank you!
Posted by: Linda Woods | June 15, 2007 at 12:13 PM
PERFECT tutorial! Good job--no GREAT job. Eagerly awaiting your next one.
Posted by: Janet | June 15, 2007 at 05:13 PM
Only found your blog yesterday and already am a HUGE fan! Your art is incredible, thanks for sharing the instructions for the stencil that is awesome will give it a go for sure!
Posted by: sarah the kiwigirl | June 15, 2007 at 09:18 PM
This is so awesome!!! Great stencil you cut out, too. I have that card set--really fun!!!
I had to go online and check out some of the artists she mentioned. The shadow photos of Fred Ressler were very interesting---actually kinda unnerving! ...those faces peeking out from the shadows.
Posted by: MarilynH | June 16, 2007 at 01:05 AM
You are so generous with your techniques. Thank you! I have never done a stencil of myself, but it might be fun! I look forward to your future tutorials!
Posted by: Pilar | June 16, 2007 at 11:16 PM
What a fabulous tutorial!
Posted by: Felicia | June 17, 2007 at 12:36 PM
this is really cool... your portrait stencil looks so glamorous. hmm, stencils, that would make a great topic for Inspire Me Thursday... ;)
i've been out of the blog loop for a bit, glad to rediscover yours, lots of inspiring bits here.
Posted by: melanie | June 17, 2007 at 03:39 PM
Hi Debra, I agree, this is a great idea, and a very good tutorial. I am going to try it soon. And thank you so much for coming to visit me and commenting. It made my day!
Posted by: Catherine Witherell | June 17, 2007 at 10:00 PM
Great blog! And I can't wait to try stencils of myself. It hadn't occurred to me to try a self-portrait that way.
Posted by: Claire | June 18, 2007 at 09:40 AM
This is totally COOL! Love how your self portrait came out, & this is a fantastic tutorial.
Posted by: debtrotter | June 19, 2007 at 11:19 AM
This is so way cool! Thanks for walking us through!
Posted by: Deryn Mentock | June 19, 2007 at 09:54 PM
Ok, where do I stsrt? First of all, this is the most excellent tutorial I've ever read. I cannot understand photoshop...or anything techi with more than 2 steps, but wow, I may actually try something like this now! Second, you did an amazing job artistically, the picture is beautiful. I have Wide Open, but read a card at a time. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with too much info. Thanks again for sharing such an clear, concise and interesting tutorial! :) Lia
Posted by: lia | June 20, 2007 at 06:03 AM
Hey Girl-
I just found your blog off of MaryAnns blog and love your stencil! It has motivated me to do some more. I love your blog and those handmade papers. Looks like you have joined the ranks of us mail art junkies. Thanks for mentioning my book.
Posted by: Randi | June 21, 2007 at 09:24 AM
Hi, I tagged you - to do 8 random facts about yourself...would love if you accepted!
Posted by: sk | June 21, 2007 at 08:58 PM
This is so amazing! Ive had Phototshop Elements for a year & am too scared to play with it, it confuses me to the max, maybe one day i can do this!!
~happy summer~
Posted by: norththreads | June 21, 2007 at 11:02 PM
Brilliant. Thanks for your generosity.
This blog is just fizzing and bubbling over.
LOVE it!
Lisa H.
Posted by: Lisa Hoffman | June 23, 2007 at 04:58 PM
hey debra! wow, comment-o-rama!
I got your cd last week and finally just listened to it! I love it!!! I know about half of the songs. Can you email me the playlist, pretty please??
rockin' tutorial, by the way!
Posted by: melissa@yummygoods | July 02, 2007 at 06:35 PM
debra - what a generous post! great tutorial. i've never done one of these - you make it look so easy i may try it. bravo for encouraging custom stencil cutting of any kind!!
Posted by: michelle | July 03, 2007 at 08:50 PM
Thank you for the wonderful tutorial and inspiration! I tried it and posted the results on my blog. There is room for improvement, but it was fun and interesting. Thanks again!
Posted by: Zorana | July 07, 2007 at 10:10 PM
I loved the tutorial. I followed Mary Ann's link and discovered your blog. I immediately added you to my blogroll.
Today I tried a self-portrait stencil. It turned out pretty good for a first one. Now I just need to learn how to spray the paint without moving the stencil.
You can see my efforts here http://on-the-banks-of-bay-creek.blogspot.com/2007/07/i-got-up-today-looking-forward-to.html
Posted by: Dawn | July 07, 2007 at 11:07 PM
this makes me want to begin NOW. and infact, I think I wil.
thank you for this perfectly put together, inspiring tutotial!!
Posted by: mahima | July 14, 2007 at 12:30 AM
This is Wonderful! Who'd a thunk? Thanks for the great tute!
Posted by: Nona Parry | July 15, 2007 at 12:41 AM
This is Wonderful! Who'd a thunk? Thanks for the great tute!
Posted by: Nona Parry | July 15, 2007 at 12:41 AM
This is Wonderful! Who'd a thunk? Thanks for the great tute!
Posted by: Nona Parry | July 15, 2007 at 12:41 AM
Thanks for the tutorial and inspiration!
Posted by: Peggy | July 15, 2007 at 03:06 AM
Hello! I saw you over at MMCA, and came to check this out. This is great!!!You could even do some Andy Warhol type prints with this. I was looking at Threshold the other day, but it did not occur to me to make a stencil!! Thank you for this great info.
Posted by: Suzan | July 20, 2007 at 01:09 AM
Hey I really love this tutorial! (Your entire website appeals to me, actually!) I've been stuck for ideas for my self portrait assignment for art class and this really helped me out.
Is it okay if I use some of your pictures in my journal? (Referenced, of course)
Posted by: Louise Horsley | July 24, 2007 at 07:16 AM
Just wanted to thank you for the EXCELLENT directions. Spent a few hours creating stencils over the past couple of days and HAD SOOOO MUCH FUN!! I was really pleased with the result too!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Posted by: [email protected] | August 10, 2007 at 10:41 AM
Awesome tutorial! Thanks for sharing this! (Also, the picture of yourself you used is GORGEOUS!)
Posted by: [email protected] | November 13, 2007 at 05:48 AM
thanks, ive been looking for a way to convert images into the black and white format you show other than grey tones as ive been tryin to make several stencils for a few days now. any ideas hwo i can photo shop or a similar software without payin a stupid amoutn for it :P
Posted by: shaun | May 10, 2008 at 06:47 AM
you are amazing--thank you!
Posted by: Heather | July 15, 2008 at 11:39 PM
GREAT TUTORIAL! You explained everything perfectly! Thanks a lot! I will definitely try to do one stencil of my own... :)
Posted by: Ana | September 21, 2008 at 04:53 AM
Posted by: Tinuviel | October 15, 2008 at 02:40 PM
I have experimented with other ways of stencil but im definitely going to try this out. i think your beautiful by the way. you should love what you see.
Posted by: Davis | October 19, 2008 at 10:00 PM
I have experimented with other ways of stencil but im definitely going to try this out. i think your beautiful by the way. you should love what you see.
Posted by: Davis | October 19, 2008 at 10:00 PM
Posted by: am | October 30, 2008 at 11:04 AM
I am a Chinese boy.You are a great teacher!!!
Posted by: elliottsmith | February 05, 2009 at 09:52 AM
Absolutely fascinating! Excellant tutorial, thank you so much!!!
Posted by: peggy gatto | February 06, 2009 at 10:32 AM
i found you through kelly snelling's post - wonderful tutorial, thank you so very much for sharing here - it is thorough, just what i need, and i feel like i want to try it out now.
Posted by: katie | February 06, 2009 at 01:36 PM
i forgot to ever comment and tell you i've used your tutorial with great success. here's one example of it.
thank you so much for sharing this!
Posted by: francie | March 07, 2009 at 01:29 PM
U forget about bridges beetween black spaces, but overall its very nice tutorial ;)
Posted by: Anonymous | March 31, 2009 at 12:59 PM
dats cool!!
Posted by: 88th | April 26, 2009 at 08:31 PM
your self portrait are amazing
Posted by: carlos | May 07, 2009 at 12:54 PM
i use your face to go tagging
Posted by: miguel | May 31, 2009 at 06:31 PM
oh my goodness!!! WONDERFUL tutorial!! thank you for posting it!! :) I want to do this for my sister's new twin baby girls.
Posted by: Teresa | June 16, 2009 at 08:50 AM
wow! this was really helpful. I'm 14, but really into this, its been a great help, especially about the best paper to use for the stencil. i have just been doing them with print paper. thank you!
Posted by: Jenny K | August 05, 2009 at 01:25 AM
is there a way to take away the natural shadows on the face on word? i dont have photoshop.
Posted by: Jenny K | August 05, 2009 at 01:46 AM
OMG, this is so cool. I am so going to do this today. Thanks for an awesome tutorial...you really outdid yourself.
Peace & Love,
Posted by: Barb | September 26, 2009 at 09:11 AM
I gotta try this! Thanks
Posted by: Lynn | November 09, 2009 at 05:47 PM
Thanks!!!..i really love it..
Posted by: arnabkacak | December 08, 2009 at 09:06 AM